Personal Statement
Art found me in the process of hard labor and solving design challenges, as a Stone Mason and Landscape Designer. Although my merits are in sculpture and landscape design, my most recent practice explores visual studies by ways of technique, Color Relationships, and Composition thru the art of Tattoo.
After spending time in the Navy, I attended Lake Washington Institution of Technology (LWIT) and was awarded an Environmental Horticulture A.A.S. focusing on Landscape design. My goal was to pair my former masonry (pre-Navy) experience with my newfound horticulture knowledge to design and build outdoor living spaces. In my first term at LWIT I had opened my first landscape business, designing new builds and providing maintenance in the greater Seattle area.
At Novelty Hill Gardens in Redmond, Washington you will find an eight foot tall dry stacked Granite Moongate on display. It is a permanent feature and was inspired by past and current stone chippers. In 2014 the Moongate was entered into the Washington Association of Landscape Professionals (WALP) Environmental Landscape Awards. It took the Grand Prize in the category of Unique Project. Was also featured in WALP Magazine multiple times, including on the cover page and a centerfold. Later was published in "Pacific NW Magazine" by Seattle Times, as well as "Private Gardens of the Pacific Northwest" by Brian D. Coleman.
Stoneworks & Company, my second company, debuted at "the Northwest Flower and Garden Show" in 2017. Our garden was titled 'Herbal Remedy The Cure For Cabin Fever'. We were blissfully awarded the Bronze Medal in the overall category for our efforts.
Today, After Graduating Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Art at Southern Oregon University as well as Graduating from Captain Jacks Tattoo school. My focus is honing in my Tattoo artistry and continually learning new techniques and styles building my artist tool box. with a goal of becoming a better artist everyday.
Artist Statement
In my studio studies I obsess over form and strokes while experimenting with color theory and perspectives to evoke an intentional visual experiences. Learning Art History, I began to admire the Old Masters. I am intrigued by their theoretical perspectives and impressed by their timeless styles. Abstract Expressionism and Neo-Traditional both have struck my curiosity and had been very influential. I practice with different mediums and materials. I am currently focusing my attention on photo realism exploring form, perspective, values and textures. My journey will continue to investigate and experiment with processes of creativity and expression with each and every Tattoo.